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HomeAllied Collection Resources, Inc. is a nationwide, bonded collection agency located in McKinney, Texas just outside of Dallas. We are knowledgeable and experienced in many industries.
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Debt Collection
3rd Party Debt RecoveryAllied Collection Resources, Inc.'s third party debt recovery solution operates nationally and internationally on a contingency basis.
Early Out ProgramsAllied Collection Resources, Inc.'s early out programs can be your reliable time management tool when it comes to reducing your DSO and bad debt. By placing your receivables between 31 and 60 days you may be eligible for a 50% discount off of our contingent fees.
Legal Forwarding ServicesAllied Collection Resources, Inc's legal forwarding services can handle your civil litigation needs when third party recovery efforts fail to produce the desired result.
Legal Letter SeriesAllied Collection Resources, Inc. offers a customized legal letter series that can be tailored to meet your company's collection needs.
Debtor Placement FormSubmit this debtor placement form and provide copies of all Invoices, Statements of Account, Credit Application, Personal Guarantees and Promissory Notes on each account placed for collection. NSF CHECKS: Please provide copies of checks (front and back).
Skip Trace/Locate ReportAllied Collection Resources, Inc. offers two types of skip trace/locater reports - NO CHARGE SERVICE and NON CONTINGENT SERVICE
Credit Investigation Report Allied Collection Resources, Inc's narrative credit investigation report is a smart alternative to the recycled and outdated reports offered by other services.
Asset/Liability ReportAllied Collection Resources, Inc. offers a narrative and covert asset/liability report as a way of determining the prudence of filing a lawsuit.

Allied Collection Resources, Inc